About John Williamson
Hi, what can I tell you about me that you don’t already know.. Lets start at the beginning, or a little ways back…
I have been on a personal growth path for the past couple of decades going down the self improvement route. This all came about after I woke up one morning when in my early 20’s to realize that there were many things not going so well in my life, or at least they had not turned out the way I might have hoped.
This is when I started to ask different questions and started down the road of self improvement. During this time I started to question most of the things in my life, both the physical and the spiritual.
This lead me down lots of different roads, reading many books on self improvement, listening to audio programs and talking to many weird and strange individuals on many varied subjects about self improvement and spirituality.
About 9 years ago I started to suffer some panic attacks due to some issues going on in my life, and this naturally came as a shock, especially as I had been on this self improvement path for many many years. As is typical of man made medicine there was nothing that any health professional could do for me, thus I started to seek my own cure.
Many more questions and more paths led me to EFT and after going down that path I healed myself of my panic attacks along with many other emotional issues that had plagued me over the years. Today some 9 years on I still love and use EFT in my life and I have also gone on to qualify as a practicing EFT Practitioner, I now help others overcome their issues.
Finding a solution for my own issues led me down this path of Alternative Medicine. I started to wonder what else is out there that works where conventional medicine is failing or where an alternative is possible. After all there was nothing any doctor or psychologist could do for me to resolve the panic attacks, where as EFT could and did.. So I started thinking what else is possible.
I started to speak with many weird people over the net and attended many different talks on many different modalities. All the while knowing there was more to be had than what we currently know with our limited knowledge of the world. EFT had taught me to keep my mind open, thus I started to play with many different forms of energy modalities. And I started to do some other weird shit, but that’s another discussion.
Eventually I picked up a book by Melissa Hocking. It intrigued me as it was unlike any other book I had picked up, there was no ego jumping out.. Take it from me in the Alternative Medicine Area there are lots of egos floating about. I would often look into one modality only to be informed that this over here was the right modality for you, after all we are the privileged ones (that’s the sort of ego thinking that exists).
I had looked into and started down many different paths, all of which I stopped doing once it was pressed upon me to use all these ridiculous rituals, some involved placing symbols about the room before a session. But like so many I gave it away simply because I figured if I had to put myself into the equation then this left room for my ego to take over and I just was not going down that path..
Some of what Melissa discussed in her book was not new to me as I was already playing around with stuff even though I was not sure what I was doing… It wasn’t until I was about half way along reading her book that something remarkable occurred that made me sit up and take note. I was sitting out the front of my daughters high school waiting to pick her up, and as was normal for me I was reading. I had taken along Melissa’s book and picking up from where I had read the day before I started to read some more.. But then suddenly as I was reading without warning the palms of my hands started to form what I can only call blisters and started to vibrate (or that’s what I called it). The blisters went away after about 15 minutes but the funny vibration stayed for some time..
Did it have anything to do with reading her book, who knows, maybe it was coincidence, maybe I was having a moment of craziness, but that little birdie inside whispered in my ear and told me to go down this path, or at least try to figure out what had occurred.
After that incident I wanted to find out more.. I started to play around some more with what I had been doing up to this point and found that these frequencies (which is what I learned I had been playing with) could do some remarkable things. I saw plants come back alive that appeared to be dying, somehow I was able to alleviate my daughters headaches by holding my hands near her body, and some other odd shit..
Like EFT once I started to see some results, or at least I started to see there was more to this, and the best thing of all I had no idea what I was doing, I was hooked.. I wanted to find out more.. I ended up seeking out Facilitators of this work. Eventually I sort out someone in North Queensland and stayed at his rainforest home for several days.. Funny enough I don’t remember his name, let’s just call him Rob..
Well the rest is history, over the next couple of years I ventured down this path and eventually found myself in Melbourne attending one of Melissa’s classes. In person Mel was exactly the same as in her book, no ego, just Mel. This sealed it for me, I eventually went back to Melbourne over a couple of years to learn all I could. During this time I attended many courses and at the completion of each new course I knew I would be back again..
As you can see from this little website I have gone on to become both a Facilitator for the Balancing Technique and also qualified to deliver an Axial Initiation.
That is about as much of me as I want to display at the moment, there is more yet undiscovered out there in the world, and I am not finished yet..